What To Do When The Other Driver Lies About The Cause Of The Accident

When you are in a car accident that was not your fault -- but the other driver lies to the police and insurance company about what happened -- it is normal to be scared and frustrated. You may fear that your own insurance may have to cover the claim, resulting in an increase in rates, and the need to pay your deductible. It's sad that this can happen when someone else lies. [Read More]

Veterans, Keep Your Injury Compensation Options Open

If you're a veteran suffering from pain, mobility issues, or other problems that make it hard for you to make a living or enjoy your life, what are your options? Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation is a big opportunity, as the potential payments aren't impeded by the hours you work, unlike the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) system. Personal injury claims are another way to find assistance for your pain and disability, but for any major system, you'll need the right types of proof and a legal argument just in case. [Read More]

Is It True That You Can't Sue For A Dog Bite If You Work In A Vet's Office?

Going to the vet can be as anxiety inducing for dogs as going to the dentist often is for their human owners. The stress from the visit can cause even the gentlest dog to become agitated enough to bite its handlers. Unfortunately, working as a vet or an assistant can make it impossible for you to collect compensation for your injuries since the court will assume you knew the dangers associated with working around animals and willingly took the risk. [Read More]

Two Places Potential Lawsuits May Be Lingering At Your Local Fair

As the cool days of fall descend, many places are getting ready to host their local county or state fair. Not only does this mean all sorts of fried foods and games of chance, but it also means that there is an increased potential for accidents and injuries to take place. Here are a few dangers that may lurk in the shadow of all of the bright colored lights. Ride Injuries [Read More]