Thousands of motorists routinely handle minor car accidents without suing each other or hiring lawyers. For example, you may be able to settle your paint scratch dispute without consulting a lawyer. However, the following situations call for the involvement of a lawyer even if the crash is minor:
Liability Is Unclear
Dealing with a minor accident where liability is clear isn't difficult. For example, if you have parked your car (correctly) and an inexperienced driver hits it while backing out of the parking, then you aren't liable for the accident.
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Are Your Best Interests Served By A Settlement?
If you've been injured and the responsible party accepts fault, you may be offered a cash settlement to end the issue before an official court date and decision. In some cases, the settlement may be enough to handle your medical issues and some personal finances. Some lucky victims may even consider it a life-improving windfall. Unfortunately, the science behind selecting a settlement can be tricky enough to keep you distracted while ignoring bigger problems that may pop up later in life.
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Understanding How Marriage Can Affect Your Disability Benefits
If you collect disability payments due to an illness or injury that prevents you from working and you are about to get married, then you may be worried about how your nuptials will affect your benefits. This is a serious concern, especially since your monthly checks can reduce once you get married. To understand how both SSI and SSDI benefits may change, keep reading.
SSI Benefits
You likely know that your SSI benefits hinge on the amount of money you make.
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The Top Three Reasons People Sue For Birth Injury Compensation
Birth injuries are extremely emotional to deal with for new parents. Nobody wants to have to go through this with your newborn, however, unfortunately it does happen. Here are the tip three reasons people sue for birth injury compensation:
Negligence During Pregnancy:
During your pregnancy, your doctor should be paying close attention to the full development of the baby in your belly. This is critical to catching any potentially problems and being able to fix them or know what needs to be done to fix them upon birth.
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