Know The Signs: How To Identify Four Types Of Elder Abuse

When you make the decision to move your loved one into a nursing home, you do so expecting them to be given the care and support they need. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse is more prevalent than you might expect. In fact, statistics show that there are about 2 million cases of elder abuse reported every year. The same statistics go on to show that about 1 out of every 10 elderly people will experience some form of abuse. [Read More]

Learn What to Do When You Think You Are a Victim of Medical Malpractice After Having Surgery

Having surgery can be quite scary, especially if you have never had surgery before in the past. It is important to follow the directions given by the doctor closely before and after you have the surgery so that the recovery can go as well as it possibly can. Unfortunately, there are times when surgeries do not go as well as they should though. When this happens, it is important to establish if there was any malpractice done by the doctor. [Read More]

What Every Driver Needs To Know About Teen Drivers & The 100 Deadliest Days

The leading cause of death among the 15- to 19-year-old population is motor vehicle accidents, with the months of summer being the deadliest time. In fact, the National Safety Council says that Memorial Day starts the 100 deadliest days for teenagers who drive. More young teen drivers are on the roadways, many of them for the first time as newly licensed drivers. They may be distracted by mobile devices or just goofing off and being reckless. [Read More]

Five Circumstances Under Which You Need A Lawyer After A Minor Crash

Thousands of motorists routinely handle minor car accidents without suing each other or hiring lawyers. For example, you may be able to settle your paint scratch dispute without consulting a lawyer.  However, the following situations call for the involvement of a lawyer even if the crash is minor: Liability Is Unclear Dealing with a minor accident where liability is clear isn't difficult. For example, if you have parked your car (correctly) and an inexperienced driver hits it while backing out of the parking, then you aren't liable for the accident. [Read More]